
We introduce a novel, multimodal large-scale scene reconstruction benchmark that utilizes newly developed 3D representation approaches: Gaussian Splatting and Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Our expansive U-Scene dataset surpasses any previously existing real large-scale outdoor LiDAR and image dataset in both area and point count. U-Scene encompasses over 6.5 square kilometers and features a comprehensive RGB dataset coupled with LiDAR ground truth. Additionally, we are the first to propose a LiDAR and image alignment method for a drone-based dataset. Our assessment of U-Scene includes a detailed analysis across various novel viewpoints, employing image-based metrics such as SSIM, LPIPS, and PSNR on NeRF and Gaussian Splatting based methods. This analysis reveals contradictory results when applying geometric-based metrics like Chamfer distance. The experimental results on our multimodal dataset highlight the unreliability of current image-based metrics and reveal significant drawbacks in geometric reconstruction using the current Gaussian Splatting-based method, further illustrating the necessity of our dataset for assessing geometry reconstruction tasks. We also provide detailed supplementary information on data collection protocols and make the dataset available on the following anonymous project page

Data Preview

Dataset Introduction

Our dataset is now publicly available via the link provided above. Our enlarged dataset is divided into six main parts. The first part is the top portion of this graph, referred to as SZIIT (The Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology). The second row is called the Lower Campus, an abbreviation for the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lower Campus. The third row displays the Upper Campus of CUHKSZ, and the SMBU (Shenzhen MSU-BIT University) Campus. As for the last row, it contains two auxiliary residential areas named He Ao Village and LFLS(Longgang Foreign language school) We utilized highly accurate LiDAR to collect the dataset, covering a range of more than 1.5 km^2. To view the dataset from different angles, one can use the embedded Youtube video provided. We store the dataset in Ply format on the OneDrive share point link, with coordinates in WGS 84/ UTM zone 50N: EPSG:32650 geographic standard. To further facilitate usage in computer vision and graphics, we will also provide COLMAP datasets and aligned point clouds.
Different Reflectivity

Dataset Information

Our dataset provides essential information for quality control and multi-modal analysis and visualization. By using professional tools such as DJI Terra, one can observe three important properties critical for quality control: Reflectivity, Height, and Return. Graph (a) in this figure illustrates reflectivity, which measures the amount of light reflected back to the LiDAR sensor from surfaces or objects. Meanwhile, height, shown in graph (b), represents the building's altitude relative to the drone's takeoff altitude. The return, presented in graph (c), indicates the number of light returns detected by the LiDAR. Since our analysis filters out all data except those with at least two returns, moving objects, represented by red dots, will be excluded. More visualization results can be explored in our dataset or in the supplementary materials.

Table 1. This table provides detailed comparisons between our dataset and previously collected datasets. "Ptgy" stands for Photogrammetry, which is a non-LiDAR-based data acquisition method. Only real scenes are included in this table.

Dataset Acquisition Data Type Area/Length Image Number Points/Triangular scene
KITTI Car Camera/Lidar PC/Image 39.20km 300K 4549M 1
BlockNeRF Car Camera Image - 12k - 1
MILL 19 UAV Camera Image - 3.6k - 2
UrbanBIS UAV Ptgy PC/Mesh/Image 10.78km² 113.3k 2523.8M/284.3M 5
DublinCity UAV Lidar PC/Image 2.00km² - 260M 1
Hessigheim UAV Camera/Lidar PC/Mesh 0.19km² - 125.7M/36.76M 1
UrbanScene3D UAV Camera/Lidar PC/Image 3.03km² 31k 120M 6
U(Ours) UAV Camera/Lidar PC/Image 6.67km² 4.6k 627.5M 6

Table 2. This table presents detailed coverage of scene reconstruction. We ensure that the size of each scene is maintained at approximately 1 km². This constraint limits the variation in lighting effects caused by the sun. The density of our point cloud is 20 cm per point. The raw data consists solely of DJI raw data and does not include the post-processed point cloud from the DJI Terra. The "Avg Height" denotes the average height of the drone's flight path relative to the altitude from which the drone took off. This height is consistently higher than that of the tallest local building. It is important to note that the maximum effective distance for LIDAR detection should be less than 250 m.

Scene Area in km² Image Number Points Number Raw Data in GB Avg Height in m Resolution
Lower Campus 1.020 670 79,767,884 12.5 120 5472 × 3648
Upper Campus 0.923 715 94,218,901 13.5 120 5472 × 3648
HAV 0.815 424 26,759,799 7.8 120 5472 × 3648
LFLS 1.467 1106 98,547,710 19.8 150 5472 × 3648
SMBU 0.908 563 283,31,405 16.2 150 5472 × 3648
SZIIT 1.557 1215 58,979,628 22.3 136 5472 × 3648
Total 6.668 4693 627,500,327 92.1 Nan Nan

Table 3. This table displays the results obtained when testing our dataset with different methods, including two NeRF-based methods and 3DGS (3D Gaussian Splatting). We measured the training time in terms of GPU count multiplied by training time in minutes. For training and evaluating the Gaussian Splatting results, we used the official implementation of Gaussian Splatting. Meanwhile, the NeRF Studio implementation was utilized for Instant-NGP and NeRFacto to conduct training and evaluation.

Method Gaussian Splatting Instant NGP NeRFacto
Scene PSNR ↑ SSIM ↓ LPIPS ↓ Time (GPU·min) PSNR ↑ SSIM ↑ LPIPS ↓ Time (GPU·min) PSNR ↑ SSIM ↑ LPIPS ↓ Time (GPU·min)
Lower Campus 24.76 0.735 0.343 58 20.76 0.516 0.817 220 17.70 0.455 0.779 1692
Upper Campus 25.49 0.762 0.273 64 20.25 0.522 0.816 392 18.66 0.448 0.734 1704
HAV 26.14 0.805 0.237 62 20.79 0.511 0.792 268 16.95 0.399 0.727 1788
LFLS 22.03 0.678 0.371 71 18.64 0.453 0.856 348 15.05 0.364 0.879 1780
SMBU 23.90 0.784 0.248 63 18.37 0.507 0.810 252 16.61 0.405 0.682 1716
SZIIT 24.21 0.749 0.326 64 19.64 0.551 0.820 276 17.28 0.462 0.781 1732
Avg 24.42 0.752 0.300 63.7 19.74 0.510 0.815 292.7 17.04 0.422 0.764 1735.3

Table 4. Chamful Distance Between Downsampled Lidar and Reconstructed Point Cloud

Method 3DGS Instant NGP NeRFacto
Scene Mean ↓ STD ↓ Mean ↓ STD ↓ Mean ↓ STD ↓
Lower Campus 0.079 0.207 0.123 0.378 0.067 0.198
Upper Campus 0.096 0.312 0.082 0.260 0.050 0.170
HAV 0.124 0.305 0.177 0.497 0.065 0.205
LFLS 0.248 0.192 0.228 0.314 0.277 0.245
SMBU 0.186 0.440 0.153 0.458 0.066 0.240
SZIIT 0.064 0.168 0.136 0.438 0.034 0.110
Avg 0.133 0.271 0.149 0.391 0.093 0.194


Data Collection Protocol

The dataset prepared for input into the neural field and Gaussian Splatting typically consists of camera positions and images in COLMAP format. The Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm implemented in COLMAP initializes camera positions randomly, which may not align with LiDAR data in WGS 84 coordinates. This discrepancy poses a significant challenge for geometric alignment measurement and multimodal fusion algorithms. When inputs are in two different coordinate systems, further validation becomes impractical. To address this, we propose a straightforward yet effective method for statistical scale matching to align LiDAR point clouds with camera positions. This approach is crucial for the construction of our dataset.
This figure shows the design of the drone routing path. The white and orange dots represent the positions where the drone took pictures. The overall path for a scene is shown in Graph (a), which is composed of several micro-blocks. One such micro-block, highlighted in orange, is detailed in Graph (a). Zooming into this orange micro-block reveals Figure (b). The total path length of each micro-block is limited by the battery life of the DJI Matrice 300, as well as the power consumption of the LiDAR in windy conditions. For safety reasons, each micro-block typically covers an area of 350 x 350 square meters. Each micro-block has five routing paths, providing different angles for photography, as illustrated in Figure (c). The first routing path offers a Bird's Eye View (BEV), while the subsequent four paths alter the camera's orientation by 45 degrees towards the horizontal plane. These four paths' camera orientations are forward, backward, rightward, and leftward, respectively.

Point Cloud Data Preview

Detailed Point Properties Preview

Point Cloud Data Quantitative Scale

Size in km2 Image Number Points Number DJI Raw Data Size in GB
Lower Campus 1.020267099 670 79,767,884 12.5
Upper Campus 0.923096497 715 94,218,901 13.5
SMBU 0.908184476 563 283,31,405 16.2
SZIIT 1.557606058 1215 58,979,628 22.3
HAV 0.815080080 424 26,759,799 7.8
LFLS 1.466664729 1106 98,547,710 19.8
Total 6.668 4693 627,500,327 92.1

Download Dataset

If you are interested in the data, please first obtained the license at the dataset link provided above and send email to the correspondance according to the guidance written in the license.


According to the Law of People Republic of China, the geography measurement information classified level conent: https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-07/08/5525075/files/08e817f622814c4799255f2464bf9ed5.pdf
The dataset we aquired is not violet any classified information law.
The data we aquired is within 25 km² consequtive area The data we aquired contain no military zone.
In case of the emergency and military requirment I quote regulation 12 and 26:
对于条例12和26, 我引述:
Regulation 12
Regulation 26
条例 26
"本规定第 12 项、第 26 项中“其它测绘地理信息成果”的定密标准和管理范围,由自然资源部会同国家保密局,商军委联合参谋部共同确定"
We are not aware how the regulation is set, please direct contact Butian Xiong Mainland China Phone: 18995627598